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We all know that car insurance isn’t cheap, especially for younger drivers, but a black box or telematics insurance policy could help reduce the cost. Start comparing black box insurance quotes today with and see how much you could save!

What are the benefits of black box insurance?

If you consistently drive safely, you can benefit from reduced car insurance premiums. If you’re entitled to a reduction, it’s usually given at renewal. But some insurers will use the black box data to review premiums after a few months.

As well as lower premiums, some policies will also offer bonus miles on top of the miles you agree not to exceed in your policy.

How to get cheap black box insurance

We all know how expensive car insurance can be, especially for younger drivers, so here are 5 tips that could help you save on your black box insurance policy:


Increase your excess – this can help reduce the cost of your premium and can indicate to insurers that you will only claim when necessary.


Pay your policy annually – rather than pay each month with interest, you can save by paying for your policy upfront for the year.


Compare insurance quotes – when renewing your car insurance, or purchasing for the first time, comparing quotes could help you save money.


Keep your car secure – keep your car locked in a garage or on a private driveway to reduce the risk of your car being stolen.

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So at, we have many insurance providers on our panel, meaning we can search for the right policy for each motorist, no matter what their circumstances. Not all brokers offer telematics policies.

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What is black box insurance?

Black box insurance, also known as telematics insurance, is a type of car insurance policy that monitors your driving habits to influence the price of your premium.

If you take out black box insurance, your provider will monitor your driving habits using a telematics device (the ‘black box’). Black box devices are usually very discreet, and, in most cases, they’ll be fitted so you can’t see it – typically under your dashboard. Most insurance companies will monitor your speed, braking, acceleration and handling of corners. However, be sure to check the terms and conditions of your policy to see what they are tracking with your black box.

If you stick to the rules of the road, you could be rewarded with a lower premium in the future. Although, if you don’t stick to the rules and have bad driving habits, you could risk having your insurance cancelled. With most black box policies, you will be able to track how well you are driving with an app or on your online account. You can look at our car insurance providers here.

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How does a telematics device or black box work?

After you’ve taken out your black box car insurance policy, you will have to either have someone come and fit a black box in your car or you will be sent one to install yourself. Once you have had your black box fitted into your car, it will begin recording your driving habits. Most commonly, the device will record your speed, how hard you are braking, how fast you are accelerating and how you are handling corners.
The data that is collected with your black box may be used to adjust the price of your premiums. Depending on your policy, your price might be adjusted every month or once a year. By driving safely and having good driving habits, you will be able to show the insurers that you are a safe driver, and this will be reflected in the price of your premium.
Also – in case you’re wondering – black box technology in cars and aero planes are similar but while black boxes in cars are black, they’re bright orange in planes.


Black box insurance for young drivers

If you are a new driver, it can take some time to get comfortable with driving after you have passed your test and learn good driving habits. This means that comparing quotes could save young drivers significant amounts of money. It’s no secret that car insurance is expensive for young drivers and it’s not unusual to see quotes over £1,000.

However, a black box insurance policy could help reduce the cost of your premium. Black box insurance is most popular with younger drivers and new drivers. This is because insurers consider these types of drivers to be a higher risk as they don’t have much driving experience.

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What information do you need for a telematics quote?

The price of your policy will depend on a variety of factors and circumstances. Typically, if you are looking at getting black box insurance, this will be cheaper than standard car insurance as the insurer is able to monitor your driving habits.

You will need the following information to hand when comparing black box insurance quotes:

  • What you use your car for, for example, commuting to work, running errands or seeing friends.
  • Number of years you’ve been driving.
  • Make and the model of your car.
  • The year your car was registered.
  • Your address, age, and what job you do.

Black Box insurance advice and FAQs

Can black box car insurance save me money?

The good news is that black box insurance can save you money, but it really comes down to the way you drive. Drive safely and you could see your premiums fall more quickly with a telematics policy compared to accumulating no claims discounts.

Having a telematics box installed can also be a genuine eye-opener because the reality is that most of us drive very differently to how we think we do. With that in mind, if you notice any bad habits creeping in, take a minute to reassess them, for example:

  • Check that you’re driving within the speed limit. It sounds obvious but it’s easy to get distracted so remember, it’s a limit and not a target – especially on rural roads where there are concealed farm entrances, walkers and cyclists.
  • Try to brake and accelerate as smoothly and consistently as you can. Constant harsh braking followed by acceleration isn’t just rough on your car, it could have a negative impact on premiums too.
  • Take corners as steadily as you can. This shows you’re looking ahead at what’s coming up and are in full control of your car.

Will a black box affect my car warranty?

A common concern with black boxes is whether it can affect your car warranty. Rest assured that a professionally fitted black box devices won’t void or affect your car warranty. If you are worried, it’s always advisable to double check with the dealership you bought your car from or warranty supplier.

Do you have a curfew with a telematics policy?

Some insurance providers do restrict the times you can drive but this isn’t as common now as it was when black box policies first came out. To be sure, you should always read the terms and conditions of your policy.

Black boxes use GPS so technically you can be tracked but insurers aren’t interested in tracking your precise location on a day-to-day basis. The black box is only there to collect data about the way you drive to calculate your premium. The only time your insurer may use the black box to locate you is if they believe you’ve been seriously hurt in an accident or if your car has been stolen. Car Insurance Reviews

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